Working from home has become much more common over the past few years and does not seem to be trending out anytime soon.
While there are many perks to working in your home (no traffic anyone?), there are several potential pitfalls as well.
Below is a list of practical tips to help you maximize your time and productivity in your home environment.
Lets go!
Set a Start Time
Being punctual and consistent is key to starting your day well.

Inconsistent start times can create inconsistency throughout your day. Try to be in your office space alert and ready at your set time.
A helpful way to accomplish this is to avoid staying up too late and then sleeping in. This keeps you scrambling to keep up the rest of the day.
Try out a consistent sleep and wake schedule to keep your body healthy and alert!
Dress for Your Job
Come with a business attitude and attire that matches the success you are going for. Keep in mind, your outfit does not have to be uncomfortable.

Feel free to go with a comfortable yet professional attire (No PJs today). It really does effect your mindset.
Brush your teeth, comb/do your hair, dress to the level you want to perform, and arrive ready to tackle the day. You’ve got this!
Block Scheduling
Time management can be difficult in the home environment (or anywhere!).

Block scheduling is a proven technique that can really maximize your productivity. When you block out an hour to get a task done, it helps you stay on task and put that project in your rear-view mirror in an orderly fashion. After all, the next hour is also spoken for as well.
An additional tip: give yourself a bit more time than you think you’ll need for each block. If you finish early, you can check email, take a small break, or get a head start on the next task on your list.
Eliminate Distractions
Silence non-essential texts/emails/calls. The world will always clamor for your attention, and its up to you to decide what gets priority in your day.

Eliminate distracting noise – white noise, ambient noise (relaxed, but not too relaxed), music (I recommend ‘productive music’, not too entertaining. You want to engage the areas of your brain that increase creativity, not distract).
If possible, have ‘office hours’. Set the expectation you’ll be working during your chosen time-slot, and you’ll get back to them at your convenience afterwards.
If you have kids, it can be helpful to incorporate breaks in your blocks that are specifically for them (you can even set up short 5-10 minute games with them for positive interaction within your schedule).
This can help to minimize interruptions if they know you will be available at times throughout the day.
Create a Productive Workspace
You will be spending a lot of time in this space. It needs to be comfortable, practical and productive.

1. Organization is key
Clutter can really kill a work flow. This also allows you to maximize your square-footage if you have a smaller work area.
2. Invest in a comfortable chair or cushion.
Have a setup that helps you keep good posture. Your booty and back will thank you
3. Make sure your lighting is adequate
This will lessen any eye strain and reduce drowsiness while enhancing productivity
Take Scheduled Breaks
In between your blocks should be short breaks. I recommend both start AND stop times. Use a timer with an alarm if you need to.

Now, they’re your breaks, use them as your need, but I recommend not wasting them. A useful break can be a great thing.
Here’s a list of suggestions for potential break activities:
- A very short exercise session (pushups, jumping jacks, stretches, etc) can really help energy and creativity.
- A short walk
- Catch up up on non-work texts/emails/short calls
- Deep Breathing Exercises
- Light Healthy Snack
- Hot/Cold Beverage
Separate Home and Work Life as Best You Can
Dividing designated work and home life can be tricky when they both reside in the same place.

I recommend having preset boundaries with family, friends, and co-workers that are flexible but still firm enough that there isn’t a constant tension between your two worlds.
If you are taking care of kids this will of course ALWAYS be a challenge. Patience is key, you’re doing great!
Whenever possible, keep work at work. I recommend keeping lists (either a notepad or a note in your phone) that you always have with you, and when something comes to mind or comes up that’s work oriented, if its during ‘home’ hours, write it down and forget it until your back at work.
This allows you to keep your mind free to relax and enjoy the reason you work so hard in the first place.
Working from home can be rewarding and has several perks. I hope these tips can help you make the most of your job, side hustle, or projects you’ve been meaning to get done.
Have any other tips you’d like to share on working from home? Just leave them in the comments below!
P.S. Here’s a list of highly-rated items to help with study/work!
Any other tips or strategies you’d like to learn about? Let me know!
Until next time, stay cozy my friends.